Great Basin Geoscience
Geological Solutions

Great Basin Geoscience

Eric Hubbard has 37 years of progressive Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology experience for large projects in the Western United States. He has specialized expertise in site characterization, paleoseismic investigations, slope stability, dam and levee investigations and hydrogeology.

In 2011, he founded Great Basin Geoscience to provide engineering geology consultation on large and small projects throughout the Western U.S. Projects in 2011 and 2012 included large wind and geothermal energy projects in California, Nevada and New Mexico.

Mr. Hubbard has served in both local and national leadership roles with the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists and continues to do so. He served on the Nevada Earthquake Safety Council, advising State government regarding earthquake safety planning and mitigation.

Printable Resume


Professional Geologist #4807, California

Certified Engineering Geologist #1733, California

Certified Hydrogeologist #773,


Vasco Wind Repower, Contra Costa County, California

Senior Engineering Geologist. This project involved replacement of obsolete wind turbines with very large, state of the art turbines in the Altamont Hills, a geologic setting known for extensive and complex landslide hazards. Mr. Hubbard was responsible for engineering geologic assessment of wind tower foundations and landslide hazard identification and mitigation.

Truckee Meadows Flood Control Project (USACE)

Senior Engineering Geologist and Field Task Leader for preliminary geotechnical site characterization for proposed flood control elements along six miles of the Truckee River, including levees, floodwalls, and floodplain restoration. This project received a Very Good ACASS rating from the USACE.

Martis Creek Dam (USACE)

Senior Engineering Geologist and Field Task Manager for the multi-phased geotechnical investigation of Martis Creek Dam. Martis Creek Dam provides flood protection to the cities of Reno and Sparks, Nevada. The USACE rated this structure as the third most dangerous to human health and property in their inventory. The site characterization included over 7,000 feet of sonic and hollow-stem auger drilling and sampling, laboratory testing and analyses for soil samples, geophysical testing including seismic reflection and refraction, surface resistivity, downhole EM, gamma and shear wave surveys, and piezometer installation and pump testing.

Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Project (CalTrans)

Senior Engineering Geologist and Task Order Manager. This project included drilling, sampling, infiltration testing, laboratory testing, data analysis, and reporting for the investigation of over 150 infiltration basin sites in the Lake Tahoe Basin. The purpose of this work was to design sedimentation and infiltration basins to intercept sediment and nutrients, and ultimately improve the water quality in Lake Tahoe.

Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, Reno, Nevada

Senior Engineering Geologist and Client-Regulator Liaison. The objective of this project was to assess multiple sources of soil and groundwater contamination including: auto repair, auto painting, printing and radiator repair facilities; identify cleanup goals; and achieve post-cleanup "No Further Action" status. The work was overseen by multiple County, State and Federal agencies. The project was successfully completed, and achieved state and national recognition. In addition to successful completion of the project, we coordinated with the Indian Colony and the EPA and were successful in obtaining a $200,000 grant and a $950,000 low interest loan from the State of Nevada's Brownfields program for assessment and cleanup.

Aquifer Testing, Nevada and California

Senior Engineering Geologist/Hydrogeologist for large capacity (greater than 1000 gpm) water supply well siting, design, drilling, aquifer testing, and analysis for numerous water providers in Northern California and Nevada.

Huffaker Reservoir

Senior Engineering Geologist for a reservoir seepage evaluation. Huffaker Reservoir had a history of significant seepage. Based on geologic understanding of the area, a scope of work was developed to evaluate whether the seepage was occurring along fault fissures. The results of the study confirmed that significant seepage was occurring through the fissures. Reconnaissance of the reservoir located the fissures, and an HDPE liner was designed and placed over the fissured area resulting in a dramatic reduction in infiltration loss at the reservoir. This project resulted in significant savings to the client, both in reduced liner area, and water savings.

Seismic and Geologic Hazards Studies, California and Nevada

Senior Engineering Geologist for seismic hazards studies at numerous schools, hospitals and other critical facilities. These typically included site reconnaissance, subsurface exploration, literature research, qualitative analysis of non-seismic hazards, and probabilistic and deterministic analysis of site-specific ground shaking potential.

Pony Canyon Water Resources, Town of Austin, Nevada

Senior Geologist for this unique groundwater supply well siting study that resulted in installation of a vertically inclined water supply well for the town of Austin, Nevada. The successful completion of the well allowed the Town of Austin to maintain an adequate water supply and avoid costly pumping from distant, lower elevation wells.

Regional Geology and Seismicity Study, Western United States

Senior Engineering Geologist for a Regional Geology and Seismicity Study for an international internet auction company based in San Jose, California. The project was designed to develop criteria for siting critical computer operations facilities.

Earthquake Fault Investigation, Spanish Springs Valley, Nevada

Senior Engineering Geologist and Project Manager for an Earthquake Fault Investigation of a "big box" retail site in Washoe County, Nevada. The fault was assessed as Holocene in age and a fault rupture hazard; successful collaboration with the structural engineer resulted in a design that incorporated mitigation for the hazard.

Explosive Research and Development Facility, Storey County, Nevada

Led site characterization of explosive residue in soil, buildings and groundwater at a 7,000-acre facility that developed and manufactured vehicle airbag propellant devices. This project was completed on an accelerated schedule as part of a property transaction and required coordination with explosive, safety and demolition experts.



US Bureau of Mines Field Geologist, White-Inyo Mountains, 1982-1983

Colorado State Engineers Office, 1985-1986, Geologist, Arkansas River Project

Anderson Consulting Group, Project Engineering Geologist, 1986-1990

WKA, Senior Engineering Geologist and Group Manager, 1990-2003

Kleinfelder, Senior Engineering Geologist and Group Manager, 2003-2011

Great Basin Geoscience, 2011-Present, Owner and Principal Engineering Geologist

Engineering Geology consultant to wind and geothermal energy projects in California and New Mexico, as well as geotechnical projects in Nevada. Consultant to USGS-funded paleoseismic research project: Kings Canyon Fault Investigation, Carson City, Nevada.

Telesto Nevada, 2012-Present

Senior Engineering Geologist for various gold and industrial mineral mining projects including mine permitting, and preparation and implementation of mine reclamation plans.


Surface Fault Rupture Hazards in Nevada and the Law, Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 2012.

Geotechnical Investigation of the Truckee Meadows for Future Levee Design, Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 2010.

Managing an Extensive Drilling Project in an Urban Environment, Kleinfelder Technical Seminar, 2010

How to Build a Big Box on an Active Fault, Association of Engineering Geologists Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, 2005.

Comparison of Measured Versus Modeled Surface Flux of VOC's from Contaminated Groundwater, Air and Waste Management Association Annual Meeting, 2000.


California State University, Fresno

Bachelor of Science, Geology

Colorado State University

Post Graduate Study, Fluvial Sedimentology and Geomorphology


Former Director, Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists

Geological Society of America

American Geophysical Union


President's Award

Martis Creek Dam Safety Evaluation

2009 Kleinfelder Technical Seminar

Excellence Award

Martis Creek Dam Safety Evaluation

2009 Kleinfelder Technical Seminar

Outstanding Environmental Engineering Project

1992 California Geotechnical Engineers Association

California Hills Lead Remediation Project


Adjunct Professor, Civil Engineering Department, California State University, Sacramento

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